
Beau and Arrow – Pre-Grad Blues

10 days away from graduation, and I’m really feeling down in the dumps.

For four years when people asked me “What do you do?” I was comfortable, and proud to say, I was a Brooklyn College student. I used my scholarship as an excuse to stay on for 4 years, even though I’m graduating with tons of extra credits. I have two mini-papers due this week and then I’m done for good. The fact that they’re the last two papers I’ll ever write as a Brooklyn College student is just another reason I’ve been pushing them off. The point is…I’m depressed! Suddenly, I am being thrust into the world of a 9-5 workweek, the hustle and bustle of New York city transit, and the struggle to find a career to suit my future. I sooo want to crawl into a ball and hide away in Jersey for a while – which is the plan!

In other news, I went to a date auction last night, Saved By The Bell style. Auctioning off people for charity is much more hilarious than you would think. I didn’t win any dates, but my niece did. Not the one that’s getting married, obviously. By the way, that wedding is in 2 weeks! My bridesmaid sneakers are ready to go.

Other other news: BEA is next week!!!! Book Expo America is one of the biggest publishing exhibitions in the world, and it takes place at the Javits Center May 26-27. Lots of free books, and you get to see your favorite blogger in real 3-D (unlike Iron Man 2, which I saw in IMAX and was unimpressed with the difference in movie quality. If it’s not 3-D, it’s not worth the extra 5 bucks.  The movie itself was fun though!). Hope to see you there!

Happy Holidays to my fellow Jews!

Rachel Lily