
Here Comes Honey Beau Beau

Do not worry, I am not the six-year-old beauty pageant diva “Honey Boo Boo,” I am just one of the humble new interns at Beaufort! While Honey Beau Beau will be my pen-name for the summer here in New York, my real name is Emily and I am a junior from Elon University. While The Big Apple is a drastic change from North Carolina, where I spend most of the year at school, my humble abode for the summer is just an hour away in New Jersey.

There is one thing that Honey Boo Boo and I do have in common, and that is our diva-like tendencies. Honey Boo Boo is a diva when it comes to beauty pageants; I, Honey Beau Beau, however, am more of a diva when it comes to books. If a book doesn’t draw my attention within the first chapter, I will put it down. My shelves are filled with half-started books, that I refuse to get rid of because “maybe I just wasn’t in the right mood,” or “that is more of a beach read and less of a before-bed read; I’ll take it to the beach next time I go.”

From a family of book-worms, each with a distinct reading preference, this diva has felt a pressure to answer the age old question: “What is your favorite kind of book?”  While I could tell you my grandfathers answer to that question would be crime and mystery novels, my mother’s: fantasy, my grandmother: historical-fiction, and my father: anything that can manage to make him laugh out loud, I have always struggled with deciding on my favorite genre. Making decisions is hard enough for me, but decisions about books – even tougher!

So with this in mind I have set two goals for myself this summer:

  1. To stop being such a book snob, to shake free of my Honey Boo Boo tendencies and to give those seemingly slow-reads a fighting chance.
  2. To try and find an answer to the age-old question: “What is your favorite kind of book?”