This small book of biblical reading and short commentary is designed as an easy-to-use companion to the Bible, and to the daily Awakenings podcasts with Chuck Davis and Eric Kampmann. Both the book and the podcasts are formatted to help inspire a brief daily conversation built around passages from the Bible, focusing on how the biblical and the everyday intersect in sometimes unexpected ways. The so what and now what help bring the Bible to life in a tangible way. Since self-publishing Tree of Life in 2003, Eric Kampmann has been on a mission to help others enjoy the power, wisdom, and beauty of the entire Bible. Awakenings is an excellent introduction to appreciating the Bible every day.
About: Eric Kampmann
Paperback: $9.95 (ISBN: 9780825306815)
E-book: $0.99 (ISBN: 9780825306198)
Devotional/Biblical Meditations
222 pages
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