
Fat Kids

By Rebecca Jane Weinstein

Fat Kids: Truth and Consequences is an informational vault of deeply personal tales and essential information, focusing on the lives, questions, and concerns of parents and children living in a “childhood obesity crisis.” Unlike most books about weight, however, Fat Kids is not a dieting or weight loss how-to; it instead explores the true human experiences and often untold science outside the current political positioning on children and weight.

This book powerfully combines interviews, relevant research, social anecdotes, personal author accounts, and the reality of children struggling with weight, to create a narrative that is profoundly poignant, accessible, and essential for understanding our current “war on fat.” Fat Kids is a truly unique work; all other books focusing on children and weight are solely focused only on diet and weight loss. This book, with its empathetic point of view, raw emotion, and solid information, is a necessary voice in the literary scene.

About: Rebecca Jane Weinstein

Hardcover: $24.95 (ISBN: 9780825307256)

E-book: $9.95 (ISBN: 9780825306594)

Social Science/Memoir

350 pages

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