Friends in High Places

By Webb Hubbell

Before the nation came to know them as the President and First Lady, Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham were close friends of Webb Hubbell. Now Hubbell offers insight into how he and the Clintons climbed the political ranks from Arkansas to the White House.

Included in this book are intricate tales of Hubbell’s support of Bill Clinton in his tensest moments; his friendship with Hillary Rodham Clinton; the tragic death of Vince Foster; details of involvement in Whitewater; and insights into famous personalities such
as Janet Reno, Mac McLarty, Bernie Nussbaum, Bruce Lindsey, Mickey Kantor, and George Stephanopoulos.

The story is told from the perspective of one who personally knows the President and First Lady. Their friendship began as partners at Little Rock’s Rose Law Firm. When Bill Clinton worked as Governor of Arkansas, Hubbell served with him as Mayor of Little Rock, and later as chief justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court. Hubbell joined the Clintons in the White House as associate attorney general, but his political career ended with the Whitewater scandal and incarceration in federal prison.

Why Hubbell committed the crimes he assumes responsibility for are detailed; a conflicted soul struggling with the cynical maelstrom of power and politics. Hubbell reflects on his resignation and prison sentence, and his old friends who have since isolated him from the White House.

His recounting resonates with the humanity in us all: the love he shares with his wife and family, the grief over losing friends to death or circumstances, and humility when faced with calamity. In the end, Hubbell faces the truth with a steadfastness seldom seen in Washington.

About: Webb Hubbell

Paperback: $19.95 (ISBN: 9780825307812)

E-book: $14.95 (ISBN: 9780825307089)


342 pages

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