
New Year, Same Pandemic

Hello everyone! 

My name is Beau Weasley, I am just one of Beaufort’s four new interns for the Spring! If you couldn’t already tell, I am a wildly huge Harry Potter fan. I’m a die-hard Ravenclaw (contrary to the name), and–although I’m reluctant to admit it–my patronus is a Salmon. I like to think it means I’m trustworthy, charismatic, a leader… Or it’s just a fish. Who’s to say? My graduation present to myself when I graduate is actually going to be a Harry Potter-inspired tattoo (I have 8 already). 

With that, I’m currently in my last year of graduate school, receiving my Master’s degree in Book Publishing this June! I graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in English and a minor in Film Production in May of 2020 (Yikes, I know.), and made the move to Oregon that September. I strongly do not recommend moving to a different state in the middle of a global pandemic–BUT! It was totally worth it. Starting in a new city, almost entirely isolated was a whole new ballgame I wasn’t completely ready for, but grad school was.

When I was sixteen, one of my high school teachers asked what I wanted to major in in college. I quickly responded, “English, probably, but I have no idea what I would do with that.” Her answer changed my life. Literally.

“What about something with book publishing?”

And that was my plan from that moment on. When I was studying abroad in Manchester, England my sophomore year of undergrad, I read a book that featured a main character who got her master’s in Book Publishing. I was so overwhelmed with excitement and passion because I had no idea that was even an option and did all the research I could to find out more.

Now, I’m in Oregon, and my plans are coming to an end, or, rather, being caught up with. My dream is to head east for a change and end up working for a bigger publishing company in New York, but real plans? Guess we’ll see.

Happy to have you here, and to be able to share my thoughts along the way!

Beau Weasley