
Somewhere old, something new

Hi readers!!

I’m one of the new interns for the next few months here at Beaufort and Spencer Hill! As a lover of music and dramatics, my nom-de-plume will be David Beauie. I’m super excited to learn about publishing and to share my experiences with y’all. 

I’m originally from Texas, but I go to school here in New York to work my way into the publishing business. I’ve been an avid reader for almost my whole life, progressing from picture books to YA books to, currently, poetry and classic novels. For better or worse, I was definitely the kid in English class who actually liked every book I was forced to read. 

Since living in New York, I find myself wandering into every bookstore I walk past, and I’ve been introduced to so many book experiences that I had no idea even existed. My sense of direction has definitely been refined since one of my favorite things to do is get on the subway and get off at a random stop to explore a new neighborhood. I’m hoping to discover even more places in New York this semester. 

Next to reading, my other love is music. I’m always on the hunt for something new to listen to, and I try to see as many live shows as my budget allows. My family and friends would be shocked if they found me without a book or headphones in my possession.

I’m super excited to be here at Beaufort and Spencer Hill to learn everything I can about publishing, and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

See you soon,

David Beauie

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