
Posts Tagged ‘author blog’

Writing Fiction in the Age of COVID

Tuesday, December 20th, 2022

Author of The Mad. Mad Murders of Marigold Way (October 2022), Raymond Benson discusses the concept and writing process behind his timely and darkly comedic thriller.

When the Covid-19 pandemic began, there was much discussion on social media and the like among writers, especially those who write thrillers and mysteries, regarding whether or not we should include the coronavirus in our fiction. Should fictional characters who are investigating a murder be wearing masks? Do they practice social distancing? Should they be mindful of health and safety protocols? Or do we pretend the pandemic doesn’t exist and just write the book with no mention whatsoever of a global disease that has impacted every person on the planet?

When I wrote The Mad, Mad Murders of Marigold Way (Beaufort Books), it was very early in the pandemic. It didn’t even occur to me that writing a murder mystery with the pandemic in the background might be a concern. I came up with a darkly comic murder mystery that took place in the thick of it. In searching for the right tone for the story, I was likely inspired by Thornton Wilder’s Our Town and the works by the sardonic Coen Brothers.

It was May 2020 and my wife and I were in lockdown at home with Covid-19 raging outside. At that time, no one knew what the future would hold. There was no vaccine in sight, and there was still so much that was unknown about the virus. The geographical environment in the story mirrors where we were living (fictionalized, but yes, we live on a street not unlike “Marigold Way” and in a town very much like “Lincoln Grove”). As with most writers, my imagination, fueled by the fever dream of the paranoia and bizarre life we were leading during the lockdown, took off. The book was written over the next two to three months.

My existence at the time was pretty close to the protagonist’s (Scott Hatcher) daily life—staying home, going for walks, social distancing, wearing masks at the grocery store and such—but I certainly am not as stupid as he is! Being happily married, I was not in the rather shattered mental state that encourages him do the irrational and impulsive things that push the story forward. I had no reservations about the setting at all. History is history. Especially now, nearly three years later, the pandemic is a part of the world’s timeline and it can’t be ignored. I, for one, will have trouble buying into any novels, movies, or television shows that supposedly take place recently or “now” that do not acknowledge in some way that we’ve been through this experience.

Alas, my literary agent and I were rather shocked to receive some resistance from publishers, even though editors proclaimed how much they liked what I’d written. It took some time, but eventually we found a publisher. Luckily, the folks at Beaufort Books had no problem with the subject matter. That said, these attitudes seem to be lifting. I’m seeing more authors write tales set during the pandemic. I’m thinking of Michael Connelly and Jodi Picoult, among others.

Mind you, my book really isn’t about the pandemic. It’s merely the backdrop, the “special world” of the story that informs how the characters behave. When one is frightened, paranoid, and uncertain about the future, a person might do some crazy things. The Mad, Mad Murders of Marigold Way is about some of those crazy things. Or perhaps it’s more about the hidden underside of suburbia and the dark recesses of the human heart. There is a labyrinth of a mystery that is the backbone of the novel, but it is placed against the larger “Mystery of Life” itself, all with a touch of down-home humor.

And a virus.

BEAUcoup Books Lover- Publishing Industry Blogs

Friday, November 12th, 2010

Hello world!

To continue on in the same vein of Margot’s earlier post, I have decided to dedicate this entry to all the great publishing industry blogs that are paving the way for the rest of us.  In an age where information is so easy to come by, and the attention span of the average internet surfer is getting shorter by the second, it takes a special eye for news and an ingenious voice to keep loyal followers.  These blogs have all found the magic formula.

First is my personal favorite, Galleycat: the perfect way to combine procrastination and work into one.  The articles are all extremely informative and full of industry insight, but all have the feel of an afternoon brain snack.  Another blog not to miss is that of Nathan Bransford, who has worked in the industry as author and literary agent, and is now moving to the tech field.  His blog is full of useful links, complete with publishing essentials for query letter writing and manuscript formatting, extensive lists of publisher, writer, and agent/editor blogs,  book blogs, and literary journals.  You can get lost in this site for hours.  Follow The Reader is yet another blog to keep an eye on.  There is no doubt that NetGalley is one of the leaders of innovation in the publishing industry, and this is reason enough to watch out for their blog.

For those of you writers out there looking to build your platform, there are a number of great writer blogs out there to glean some ideas from.  For some reason I am drawn to the blogs of YA authors, specifically Adrienne KressNatalie Whipple and T.H. Mafi, who has a particularly entertaining entry about why it would be fun to date Dumbledore.  Other genre authors blog too!  Check out romance author Sara Freeze, thriller writers Alex Scarrow and Debi Alper, poet Kevin Wenger, David Isaak, who is part of MacMillan New Writers Group, and Emily Benet, the winner of the Author Blog awards in the Published Category.

There are many more out there to be discovered.  What are some of your favorite author blogs?