
Posts Tagged ‘bing’

Beau and Arrow – Blogger’s Rights

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010

Forward movement in the NYC blogger’s bill of rights. A new law was just recently passed allowing bloggers to enter press conferences that have restricted public access. They can receive these press passes only if they have the necessary credentials (having done six reports on restricted events). While the article I read this from took a nice jab of an insult at people like me, who are lacking in such credentials as “any old yahoo with a blog,” I will put aside my pride and applaud my fellow bloggers for getting a one-uppance in the world of journalism. I am not a yahoo!

Speaking of yahoo, who uses Yahoo? Or better yet, who uses anything aside from Google these days? My blackberry has permanently defaulted Bing as my go-to search engine and I am not at all satisfied. Google = Godly.

On another note, my two best friends got married last night. To each other. Ah yes, the joy of being a bridesmaid for the 8th time in a one year period can sometimes drive me slightly over the edge of sanity, but it is a position I am for the most part extremely honored and delighted to be in. People oftentimes come up to me and wonder if I ever wear anything other than a gown. Call me Katherine Heigl, I do have a bunch. But yes, I own other clothing! I just don’t get a chance to wear them that often as I am forever walking down the aisle without an engagement ring. Make no mistake, I am not bitter about this. But my dancing feet most assuredly are.


Rachel Lily