Posts Tagged ‘book commercials’

Beau and Arrow – Book Commercials?

Monday, March 8th, 2010

The other night while watching TV, two strange things occured. The first, I was so entrenched in my Blackberry solitaire game that I did not fast forward through commercials of my Tivoed show. The second, there was a commercial for a book. In fact, I was so entrenched in my solitaire game that my mother, who was on the phone at the time, snapped her fingers to get my attention and pointed at the TV. It was a trailer-like preview of Jodi Picoult’s House Rules, complete with dramatic voice-over, and enough information to make you feel like you’ve already read it. The point is, book commercials are awkward. I want to tap them on the shoulder and redirect them to Newspaper Street. Kind of like the guy who picked up the phone when I tried to order pizza today and said “Not Rosa’s Pizza” (who was clearly upset that I was not ordering cupcakes and gave me the correct number which he had already memorized). To play devil’s advocate to my own complaint, it did get my attention.

On a happier note, my neice got engaged this morning! Yes, wedding #9 is just around the corner. I really wanted to tell you all the other day during my 27 Dresses rant, but I was sworn to secrecy. The chances I might be a great aunt before I turn 25? Very good. Granted, I was only 10 months old when my brothers dragged me down the aisle at my sister’s wedding, but being a great aunt is not something I would have opted for before age 40. In case you were wondering how the proposal went down, she was called in for an interview at a local elementary school, and had to read a book to the class. On the dedication page she saw her own name (Enter “awww” here). Funnily enough, she told me about the interview, and the fact that she would be reading a book just yeterday, while unknowingly blowing my hair for her own party, which is tonight. Hello, dramatic irony!

In other news, it’s a magnificent 57 degrees in NYC today, but I think the upturn in weather has really gotten to people’s heads. Newsflash – it is still wintertime. Meaning I needed to put my gloves on this morning during my walk to the train station, despite the fact that I opted for my second-tier winter coat. People see sun and immediately strip down to shorts and a t-shirt. Just because there’s no snow on the ground, doesn’t mean it’s time to hit the beach! Come on people. I don’t wanna see your toes until May.

Have a great week!

Rachel Lily