
Posts Tagged ‘Inspiration’

Why You Should Intern With Beaufort Books

Thursday, November 30th, 2023

Hi everyone, Beauba Fett back one last time.

A lot has happened between now and my first blog post, but it really does feel like just last week I was typing up my introduction blog. I moved to a new state, my car battery only died twice, the old Fortnite map came back, and oh yeah, I learned a thing or two about publishing.

Wrapping up an internship at a publishing company isn’t where I expected to be at the end of this year, but I truly am grateful for deciding to take this leap. I graduated in May with a Marketing degree and Screenwriting minor, so I’ve always felt like I’ve had one foot in the business world and one in creative storytelling, but I had no idea how to merge the two while in school. I’ve had an amazing past couple of months discovering that publishing is exactly the industry where these two coexist, and I encourage anyone with interest to apply for this internship. You don’t have to be someone who always knew publishing was their passion to benefit from this position, so here’s three types of people that should try this out:

Young Aspiring Writers

Coming up with an idea and expanding into a complete manuscript is only half the battle for the writer. The other, and much more attritious, half involves getting someone interested in your work enough to get it out there for people to read. What better way of getting your work into the right hands than learning how the publishing industry works from the inside? The internship with Beaufort Books provides no shortage of hands-on experience in all aspects of publishing, starting from submitted manuscript to published book.

Denied From the Big 5

It’s human nature to be attracted to the shiny things in life, right? Those big name publishing houses that you see on most of the books on your shelf might seem like the obvious fit at first glance, but in reality, it’s the independent publishers that might be the best fit for those starting out. If you’re someone who’s been trying to get into the big five with no luck, you’ve come to the right place. The smaller size of Beaufort Books will allow interns to have a hand in various different responsibilities and tasks across the publishing process, which can help narrow down which area of specialization interns enjoy the most to pursue in their careers. The smaller size of the company makes everything feel more personal as well, ensuring that you won’t be lost in the shuffle that a larger house might have.

Those Chasing Their Passions

It’s a rare thing in today’s world to chase a career that aligns with your passions. Many people either follow the money or wrongly assume that work is work and passions and hobbies are for their free time, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’ve loved to read your whole life and aren’t excited about the major you chose or a career path you’re secretly dreading, why not take a chance to see if you could turn a lifelong passion into your job? Books don’t just magically appear on shelves, there’s an entire industry dedicated to this process, and this is a perfect place to start to learn that process. If you love reading and are curious about how to turn it into a career, this internship is for you. Life is short, and you owe it to yourself to do things that excite you.

Beaufort Titles You May Have Missed

Thursday, October 12th, 2023

Hi everyone, Beauba Fett back with another blog post.

Are you caught up on all of Beaufort’s newest releases and are looking for more? While Beaufort has put out some really great titles recently with even more on the way, there’s still an impressive selection of titles on our backlist that deserve some attention too! 

Here are five books that you may have missed.

Looking to gain some insight on the current climate of the trillion dollar industry of marketing? Whether you’re already in the industry, wanting to build your own business, or just want to learn more, Agency Mania will show you how to build successful, long-term relationships with your clients.

Are you a fan of Will Ferrell’s Ron Burgundy character in the Anchorman movies? Read the story of the real-life anchorman who inspired the character!

The inspiring true story of a 218 mile hike on the John Muir Trail that author Jeff Alt and his wife embark on after tragedy strikes. Nature lovers will appreciate this thrilling story of hope and resilience.

With insights drawn from her own transformation from depressed medical doctor to a fulfilled dancer, writer, speaker, and life coach, Dr. Susan Biali provides useful science-backed steps on how to reclaim your dreams and live your life passionately. 

A touching love letter to the city of New York, The Outdoor Museum forgoes the usual sights of the city, instead highlighting the beauty in the little things such as puddle reflections, subway tiles, public sculptures, and much more.