
Posts Tagged ‘lacies secrets’

“Yes, and…”

Tuesday, December 20th, 2022

Tullan Holmqvist, one-half of the writing duo that brought you Lacie’s Secrets and The Woman in the Park, discusses the trials and triumphs of collaborating.

I love questions. And I am usually the one asking them. It’s just my nature. I am curious and have always wanted to figure things out, why people do what they do, what makes them tick, and how things are done. So when I am asked a question, I usually have to take time to really think about it. When people ask about the writing collaboration in creating our thrillers The Woman in the Park and Lacie’s Secrets with Teresa Sorkin, I have to laugh a little.

When I was a kid, I hated having to collaborate. At school, I dreaded the group projects where you had to “find someone to work with.” If I could, I would just do them myself. I’m independent, I like quick solutions, less discussion, and more doing. As a child, my family and I moved every few years, and so I found myself in a new country, not knowing the language, the local ways, or the rules. Born in Sweden to two adventurous parents, I went to nursery school in Nigeria, elementary school in Austria, middle school in Italy, and high school at a French school back in Sweden. As a first grader in a new country and confronted with a language I didn’t speak, I had to find other ways to understand what was going on, picking up on body language, and visual, energetic clues.

When I was ten years old, I got my first sweet taste of the theater when I was cast as the lead in a school play in Rome. I experienced the spell of the stage, the thrill of getting a laugh or a tear from the audience, and, most of all, the warm embrace of the community created in the theater. I discovered that collaborating can be exhilarating and can add up to so much more than each individual. Magic can blossom from a creative coming together with a common purpose. And that’s what I try to keep in mind – the goal of creating a story that can be shared.

Stories often emerge out of curiosity and a wish to understand others. Our psychological thriller The Woman in the Park was born from an interesting character, a woman in a park we both had seen independently, and had piqued our interest. She was elegant and always alone, seemingly talking to herself, lost in her own world. We took aspects of that character, planted the seed of our story, and let it grow. We added more characters, worked through the story and its arcs, and took turns writing and editing.

Together, we discussed scene organization and character development, and then let the writing take over, giving each other space to create.

Our second collaborative thriller, Lacie’s Secrets, grew out of a “What if?” scenario,  fantasizing an actual situation – a holiday week at an isolated villa with a group of friends where something goes horribly wrong – and letting our imaginations wander. In the actual creation, the excitement came from seeing where the story and the characters lead us. Lacie’s Secrets has been described as a “riveting thriller” reminiscent of classic suspense novels (by Publishers Weekly), and Big Little Lies meets The Haunting of Hill House at a seaside estate in Maine.

Collaborating takes openness in communication, active listening, and constant compromise. While muddling through the messy forest of details, collaboration requires keeping the goal of the story in mind, finding creative solutions, and abiding by the golden rule of improvisation – “Yes, and…”

Lacie’s Secrets and The Woman in the Park are published by Beaufort Books.


Monday, April 11th, 2022

Lacie’s Secrets reviewed by Criminal Element.

Big Little Lies meets The Haunting of Hill House in Lacie’s Secrets, the latest psychological thriller from writing duo Teresa Sorkin and Tullan Holmqvist, authors of the award-winning thriller The Woman in the Park. Read Janet Webb’s review!

Kate hasn’t seen her mother for eighteen years, not since the mysterious and tragic disappearance of her younger sister Lacie. Susan, her mother’s caretaker, phones Kate to tell her that Grace is dead. It seems that Kate’s long self-imposed exile from Villa Magda, the gorgeous, sprawling oceanside estate in Maine where she spent every summer of her girlhood, is coming to an end. Months later, accompanied by family friends, Kate, her husband Charlie and their son Andrew make the trek to Maine: she’s determined to sell Villa Magda and put that part of her life behind her. 

Time slips away when Kate sees Villa Magda again: Kate is flooded with memories from the day her sister disappeared. Grace was an inveterate party-giver. Kate recalls, “her mother was hosting one of her magical parties for Lacie—”this year’s theme was Alice in Wonderland—and she was giddy. Kate only saw her mother really happy when she was in the middle of preparing and hosting a party, with Susan always by her side helping with the food, cutting flowers, and checking the guest list.” Unfortunately, the party went terribly wrong. 

To read the review on Criminal Element, click here.

To learn more about Lacie’s Secretsclick here

To learn more about Teresa Sorkin, click here.

To learn more about Tullan Holmqvist, click here.


Friday, February 18th, 2022

Publishers Weekly released their review for Lacie’s Secrets

Kate Williams, the protagonist of this riveting thriller from Sorkin and Holmqvist (The Woman in the Park), travels from her Connecticut home to Villa Magda, her family’s Maine home where she spent summers until her sister, Lacie, disappeared there almost 20 years earlier. Accompanying Kate are her husband and their teenage son. Kate’s visit brings back vivid memories of how the media coverage at the time painted Kate as the jealous older sister. Then strange things start to happen, including a former gardener breaking into her room to warn her away from the house. To complicate matters, her son discovers a blog accusing Kate of being complicit in Lacie’s disappearance. When Kate discovers a body in the pool after an alcohol-fueled night, she fears Villa Magda’s tragic history is repeating itself. The stakes rise as Kate becomes convinced that the same person responsible for Lacie’s disappearance had something to do with the recent death. The authors keep the suspense high as they slowly dole out the mansion’s sinister secrets. Fans of gothic novels will be pleased. Agent: Jane Wesman, Jane Wesman Public Relations. (Apr.)

To read the review on Publishers Weekly, click here.

To learn more about Lacie’s Secrets, click here.

To learn more about Teresa Sorkin, click here.

To learn more about Tullan Holmqvist, click here.