Posts Tagged ‘thriller book series’

Light of Day

The Louisiana Crime Syndicate. Software that threatens national security. A vengeful hitman. Jack Patterson is faced with a case determined to see him lose—either in court or his life—in the sixth novel from former Associate Attorney General of the United States and award-winning author, Webb Hubbell.

Every now and then, more frequently than he cares to admit, antitrust lawyer Jack Patterson gets involved in a case more complicated, more dangerous, than just defending big companies who’ve run afoul. He doesn’t know it yet, but he’s about to take on a new client: the grandson of the head of the Louisiana crime syndicate in New Orleans.

Young David is a computer genius who has invented a software program considered to be a serious threat to both national security and most major technology companies. So when the FBI throws him in the DC jail without bond, and a conglomerate of tech companies sue him in Federal Court, Jack figures he can at least get the young man out on bail and be home for the weekend.

He couldn’t be more wrong. Before he can even meet with the client, his bodyguard is drugged and Jack is left for dead in the swamps of Cajun country. He must make his way back to DC, wage a battle in court, and dodge a hitman who lurks around every corner. Can Jack save his client and overcome those who will go to any length to prevent the software from seeing the light of day?

Author: Webb Hubbell

Paperback: $17.95 (ISBN: 9780825309403)

Ebook: $14.99 (ISBN: 9780825308222)

FICTION / Thrillers / Political

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Tuesday, September 12th, 2023

Look for all formats of the books by Ed Fuller and Gary Grossman in Bookstores and Online Now

LAGUNA HILLS, CA, UNITED STATES, September 12, 2023. As the award-winning third book in their Red Hotel Series of international thrillers, Red Chaos, by Ed Fuller and Gary Grossman has gone into its 5th printing, the offerings of the Red Hotel Series have been expanded.

Ed Fuller and Gary Grossman keep thrilling and enticing readers in the series! No matter how you want to consume books, the series has your favorite formats: beautiful hardcovers, paperbacks (available soon and for pre-order), and ebooks. Partnering together for the Red Hotel Series, Former Marriott International president and director of FBI National Academy Associates, Ed Fuller, and award-winning network television producer and bestselling author, Gary Grossman, continue with their trademark adrenaline intensity, combining firsthand international experience with hot political drama unnervingly echoing today’s headlines. 

In the latest book, Red Chaos, Dan Reilly continues his quests as he investigates a rash of terrorist attacks around the world. As the president of the international division of the Kensington Royal Hotel Corporation, it’s his job to stop trouble before it reaches red, the deadliest level in his five-tier Red Hotel threat assessment plan.

The Arctic ice is melting, the waters are warming, and Russia’s ever-expanding fleet of oil tankers grind through the Northern Sea Route to China. With a fleet of nuclear ice breakers clearing the way, Russian ships were setting new records to reach China and fulfilling a simple equation: Russian President Nicolai Gorshkov needs China’s money to fund his expansionism plans past Ukraine and Latvia while China, the thirstiest oil nation in the world, needs affordable fuel.

Red Chaos

How these seemingly different elements have a profound impact on Russia’s far-reaching plans is what makes Red Chaos a thriller to be read like breaking news.

Leading up to Red Chaos, Red Hotel, and Red Deception set the stage for Dan Reilly’s thrilling escapades. Start with book one or jump in with books two or three. Better yet, in October, catch all three books in one ebook bundle. That way you get all the action from start to finish with a single purchase.

It will (teaser) get you prepared for book four, Red Ultimatum, as the series continues with a plot twist including the secretary of State being kidnapped and the former President’s plane going down all the while that Russia and China threaten the Panama Canal and Cairo…and more!



“Welcome to my world. RED HOTEL is a thriller that dramatically covers a very real global threat that could redraw nation boundaries and lead the superpowers to the brink of war. Fuller and Grossman echo the warning, ‘If you see something, say something.’ They’re saying it loud and clear in RED HOTEL.”

Steve Tidwell, Former Executive Assistant Director, FBI, Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch


RED HOTEL combined the authors’ real-world experiences into a very compelling, breakneck-paced scenario that captures the imagination. RED DECEPTION takes us even further into the complex world where globalized economics and travel are integrally woven into politics, terror, intrigue, and more. Fiction that’s all too real!”

Will Grimsley, Major General, US Army, (Ret.)


“I’ve been engaged in national and homeland security for over 45 years, I seldom read fiction. When I do, it is historical fiction. While RED CHAOS is not an historical novel, given today’s news, it affords the reader an extremely compelling, most realistic, and fast paced story. In crafting this riveting read, Ed Fuller and Gary Grossman have written a thriller that reflects their impressive knowledge of today’s strategic global dynamics. RED CHAOS is a timely must read for those seeking a book that is both stimulating and eye-opening.”

William Carwile, Colonel, US Army (Ret), Former Associate Administrator, FEMA

RED CHAOS, along RED HOTEL, and RED DECEPTION are published by Beaufort Books and available in print, ebook, and Audible additions at Amazon, Barnes & Noble or a bookstore near you. To learn more about RED CHAOS, RED DECEPTION, RED HOTEL, the authors, news, and events, go to


ED FULLER is CEO of Laguna Strategic Advisors, a global consortium providing business consulting services worldwide. He has served on business and charitable boards during his 40-year career with Marriott International where he was chief marketing officer followed by 22 years as president and managing director of Marriott International. Under his management, the international division grew from 16 to 550 hotels in 73 countries with 80,000 associates and sales of $8 billion. Upon retirement, Fuller has served on five university boards and taught as adjunct professor for MBA and undergraduate students. He has blogged for Forbes and other tourism and lodging industry media. His book, You Can’t Lead with Your Feet on the Desk, has been printed in English, Japanese and Chinese. Fuller served as captain in the U.S. Army, stationed in Germany and Vietnam and received the Bronze Star and the Army Commendation medals. He and Gary Grossman are co-authors of the Red Hotel series, including Red Hotel, Red Deception, and Red Chaos.

GARY GROSSMAN is a journalist, newspaper columnist, documentary television producer, reporter, media historian and the author of Executive Actions, Executive Treason, Executive Command, and Executive Force. In addition to the bestselling Executive series, Grossman wrote the international award-winning Old Earth, a geological thriller. With Ed Fuller, Grossman has collaborated on the globe-hopping Red Hotel series. Grossman has contributed to the New York Times and the Boston Globe and was a columnist for the Boston Herald American. He covered presidential campaigns for WBZ-TV in Boston. He is a multiple Emmy winner for series and specials for networks including NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, Fox, History Channel, Discovery, and National Geographic Channel. He served as chair of the Government Affairs Committee for the Caucus for Producers, Writers and Directors, and is a member of the International Thriller Writers Association and Military Writers Society of America. He served as a trustee at Emerson College and currently is a member of the Boston University Metropolitan College Advisory Board. Grossman has taught at Emerson College, Boston University, USC, and teaches writing and production at Loyola Marymount University.

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Monday, July 10th, 2023

In need of a new summer read? We’ve got you covered!

Until August 31st, get the ebook versions of these series for $2.99 or LESS —

Series on Sale

North of the Tension Line series by J.F. Riordan

North of the Tension Line

Audacity of Goats

Robert’s Rules

A Small Earnest Question

The Red Hotel series by Ed Fuller and Gary Grossman

Red Hotel

Red Deception

Red Chaos

Jack Patterson series by Webb Hubbell

When Men Betray

Ginger Snaps

A Game of Inches

The Eighteenth Green

The East End

The Adventures of Bubba Jones by Jeff Alt

Great Smoky Mountains (#1)

Shenandoah National Park (#2)

Acadia National Park (#3)

Grand Canyon (#4)

Yellowstone (#5)

Check out even more of our on-sale titles HERE!

Happy reading!