

Review: Rob Kall, The Bottom-Up Revolution: Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity

“The long dormant seeds of ‘bottom-up’ culture, evolutionally baked deeply into our DNA and our neurophysiological systems, are vibrantly reawakening.

“When I asked Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, ‘What’s the next big thing on the web?’ He replied that it was trust.

“This tsunami of bottom-up thinking and behavior is causing a bigger paradigm shift than the inventions of writing or Gutenberg’s printing press because we’re already genetically primed for this by our millions of years of human evolution.

“So many trends today look toward the end of life as we know it—climate change, the huge gluttony of the super-rich who work together to transcend national boundaries in their pursuit of more money, more power, ultimately a global feudal system.

“I go to places like farmers’ markets and shopping malls to find solace in the persistence of the middle class against all odds—creeping fascism, the extreme right-wing governments that are spreading throughout the world, led, for the time being by our very own donald trump, who recently gave permission to Juan Guaidó to seize the Venezuelan government away from Nicolás Maduro. Socialism is no good, say the super-rich, focusing on Venezuela, whose assets in the United States have been seized and whose chief export, oil, has dropped in monetary value through the floor.

“Against these trends and their obvious manifestations, a quiet revolution is in progress, writes author and OpEdNews owner as well as entrepreneur and original thinker Rob Kall in his just-released book The Bottom-Up Revolution: Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity. He offers us an optimistic vision of the future. We are transitioning from a top-down to a bottom-up worldwide society. “Top down” describes the current structure of our society, a worldwide plutocracy, but “people can be victors without the need for victims.” “Bottom-up” is its now-competing inverse: it is “small, local, interdependent, respectful, egalitarian and decentralized,” according to author Gregg Levoy. “Humans have spent 99 percent of our developmental time in the wild kingdom,” he writes. –“-99 percent of the five to seven million years hominids existed,” adds Kall. “What I call a ‘bottom-up connection consciousness’ is a revolutionary way of seeing, being, and relating to others, and . . . it affects how we behave in our community and all our other activities, including our “activism,” child rearing, religious practice, and, of course, doing business. It enhances our ability to be cooperative, interdependent, sharing, caring, empathic, egalitarian, and transparent, and although often small, it can be incredibly powerful.”

To read the full review, click here.

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