
Thrifting (For Books)

Good afternoon voracious readers,

If you buy too many books and then cry when you look at your bank account, raise your hand.

Well readers, I have extremely exciting news for you (just in time for the holidays.) I discovered a website that sells used books, some for less than half of the actual marketing price. Opening a new book you just picked up from Barnes & Nobles may give you a warm feeling, but used books decreases paper waste and extends the lifetime of a book. Thrift Books has over 7 million used books and ships for free. And what’s better than free shipping? Besides cheap books of course.

I read other people’s testimonies about the website. One person said they purchased $66 worth of books for only $20 (5 books), and another claimed they bought four books for $16 that was worth $90. Crazy, isn’t it? Oh, and I also heard they sell textbooks so that should be a great savior for your wallet next semester.

Titles on this online “thrift shop” ranges from best sellers to books you’ve never heard of. The paperback copies of the Harry Potter series sell for $3-4 while a hardcover copy of the popular Gone Girl is only $5-6. What’s even better than these inexpensive prices is their Holiday Sale – buy four and get one free.

It sounded too good to be true so I decided to try the website out. I ordered 10 books, (a few being hardcovers), and in total they were worth $150. I paid $40. Merry Christmas to me!

Have fun thrifting,

Daisy BEAUchanan

P.S. It’s sad to say my time here at Beaufort Books has come to an end. I have enjoyed blogging for you these past couple months. Keep on reading my lovely bookworms!